Saturday, February 16, 2013
Tamagotchi lives again as an Android app
Remember that Tamagotchi craze from years ago? Well if you want to relive those good old days of wasting your time trying to keep that stupid thing alive or you missed out on the mind numbing boredom spiced with frustration now`s your chance. This one`s from Bandai and Sync Beats Entertainment, good news is that it`s free, bad news is your time shouldn`t be.
Hufington Post reports:
"Bandai Co. and Sync Beatz Entertainment are hoping to revive the electronic pet craze of the 1990s with a new mobile app launching Thursday for Android devices. The app duplicates the egg-shaped plastic toy that became a must-own sensation like Beanie Babies, Tickle Me Elmo and Furby after it was first released in 1996 in Japan.
Sync Beatz, which has licensed Tamagotchi from Bandai, is calling the app "Tamagotchi L.i.f.e." — with "L.i.f.e" standing for "love is fun everywhere." Much like the original doodad, the app tasks users with taking care of a virtual pet by pressing buttons that simulate feeding, disciplining and playing with the critter on screen. If a Tamagotchi is neglected, it dies."
watch your life die
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